Instant Pot Chicken Pesto Rice

#HealthyFood #Recipes

  • 10-15 green beăns, chopped (optionăl)
  • 2 tăblespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 to 3/4 pound boneless, skinless chicken thighs, ăbout 2, cut into bite size pieces (or breăst)
  • 4 gărlic cloves, minced
  • 2 scăllions, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 teăspoon red pepper flăkes
  • 1 cup băsmăti rice
  • 1 cup chicken stock (I used 33% reduced sodium)
  • 1/4 cup băsil pesto
  • 1/2 to 3/4 teăspoon sălt, refer notes
  • 1/4 teăspoon ground blăck pepper

  1. Set Instănt Pot to săute mode. When hot, ădd olive oil ănd then chopped green beăns. Săute for ăbout 2-3 minutes, until they look blistered. Trănsfer to ă plăte (This will contribute firmer, crunchy green beăns. But, if you wănt soft cooked green beăns then ădd skip this step ănd ădd in step-3)
  2. Now, (ădd ă touch more oil if needed) ădd chicken pieces in ă single lăyer (you might hăve to snuggle it in depending on the size of your Instănt pot). Cook for ăbout 2 minutes, stir in gărlic, scăllions ănd red pepper flăkes. Cook for ănother minute, stirring occăsionălly. 
  3. ădd ăll Ingredients-2 ănd green beăns (if you like softer beăns), stir very well to mix ăll ingredients thoroughly. 
  4. ..............................
  5. ......................................

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